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Streamed this... loved it. I personally find the ocean and deep/murky water unsettling so this was perfect for spooping me. That aside, I enjoyed the spooky build up ambience and that it's not riddled with jump scares. It's just creepy enough to be unsettling and has just enough startling spooks to be efficient as a horror game. Thanks for creating it. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Big fan of Akuma Kira's works, but I didn't actually realise this was one of them until the credits. A short but brilliant experience, slowly but steadily builds up the suspense as you go, and really had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Highly recommended!

Playthrough enclosed, it's full of incoherent rambling.

Very good job on the graphics, awesome game!! 

I really love the marine theme! But I didn't understand, but where is the whale?

really engrossing game. i normally dont think submarine games are fun, but this one had me wondering whats next. also i like the extra content revealed at the end. 

WOW! I got the chills playing this! Very well made!

Very nice game! :)

Well, submarines sure are trendy right?

Well the control feels smooth... but there something about how limited the view feels even with the light that just make me really nervous. That slow plodding build up though.

I very much enjoyed this game a lot. I do like the controls are a bit easier to understand and the horror was there.

Just when I thought the game wasn't going to be creepy, it jumped up and surprised me! Really nice work! I want to know more about the story.

Scariest game I've ever played! The game brought back some of my worst memories.

Hey amazing game!!! I loved the experience and game mechanics you did a great job, I don't know if you still intend to make more games but I hope to play more games from you.

Keep it up

Gameplay PT-BR

(1 edit)

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. 

-H. P. Lovecraft 1890–1937-

How true this is! The sounds are creepy, while you venture into the unknow, deep Abyss! Great game!

The title look's like psycho dream's title lol

It does!! That's why I even clicked on the game lol. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed


Dude this game captured the creepy ocean of my nightmares, way scarer than Iron Long

Such a cool game ! exactly what i was looking for

Very good game had me on the edge of my seat.


дум спотифай 808 барабаны петренко банан

good game

This game plays upon my specific fears of the deep ocean and being locked in a tiny space, which makes it perfect before-bed playing material. Every single aspect of this game was top notch from the sound design to the visuals. There wasn't a single scare that didn't get me. It took me a while to realise what I had to do (I didn't realise that the map is divided into quadrants which affect the co-ordinates on the display) but once I did I was on the edge of my seat!

From the moment I opened the game I never felt safe - the pacing here is phenominal. This is one of few games to make me feel genuine paranoia. I felt a constant need to keep my little sub moving, checking over my shoulder even though - as far as I could tell - I wasn't being chased by anything. I'd be surprised if there were actual enemies in the game to avoid. The sound design is so good that they could have just been suggested to me.

I was so glad to be done with the game that I almost missed the secret co-ordinates on the end credits screen...

Dare I wonder what they lead to?

Great game. I was very scared. It is like Subnautica but on ps1, and it is cursed

Incredible! I loved the ending. One question though, who's the person on the ''Ever dreamt this man'' pic? Lmaooo

Hi Kira, I made a video on why I think Corpse Ocean deserves just as much recognition as Iron Lung. Thank you for making such an interesting game.

This was a great game! I have a big fear of the ocean, so this was probably a bad idea to play it lol, but it was really fun!

big fishhy glub

You guys did it again 10/10 and will recommend. Here's my footage of gameplay if you're into that stuff ✌

gameplay starts at 16:10


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This game boasts a fantastic atmosphere!  Unfortunately, I did not encounter any whales

(1 edit)

Really good atmosphere! Nice tension, I'm personally not that good at navigating after coordinates but it was oddly fun. I really like the ending although I think it's a bit expected to be a big monster or something like that at that point. Still really good 9/10 would recommend to a friend.

I didn't see any whales :(

Thanks for the amazing game! hope to see more games from you ^- ^


i swear the text font and background is familiar


I have Thalassophobia, so this was basically the worst idea I've ever had (aside from playing both Subnauticas). This legitimately terrified me! Staring into the infinite dark void of the deep is something that just makes my brain activate survival mode, so this game was hard to get through. But I did it, and it was fun! Definitely recommend if you like short horror games. Props to the developer!

somehow a sheap recognized the guy that after he gets out  he have no energy but somehow a sheap recognize him and then he never spoke about his accident

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